Tuesday, December 20, 2011

LISTENING TO GOD IS IMPERATIVE! Matthew 3:1-4:11; Psalm 34; Matthew 4:12-5:12; Matthew 5:13-37; Psalm 97:1011

Matthew 3:1-4:11; Psalm 34

v.11 Jesus baptized with Holy Spirit and fire.

4:4 Jesus: A person does not live by eating only bread, but by everything God says.


Enjoy life, have happy days.
Don’t say evil things.
Don’t tell lies.
Stop doing evil, do good
Look for peace and work for it.

Matthew 4:12-5:12

Jesus: Change your hearts (minds) and lives, because the Kingdom of Heaven is near.

Jesus: Come, follow me.

v.3 Know I have spiritual needs
v.5 Be humble, be happy.
v.6 Want to do right more than anything else.
v.7 Sow mercy (lovingkindness)
v.8 Be pure in my thinking.
v.9 Work to bring peace.

Abram was 75 years old when he left everything he knew to obey and follow God.
 God can make big changes in my life at any age.

Matthew 5:13-37; Psalm 97:1011

Take God’s Light into the World

People who love the LORD hate evil
The LORD watches over those who follow Him and frees them from the power of the wicket.
Light shines on those who do right.
Joy belongs to those who are honest.

The hours are the seasons of the day.

Placing the blame is a bad habit, but taking the blame is a sure builder of character. – O.A. Batist

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